Apps and Integrations

Integrate inMobile - SMS Gateway with ActiveCampaign

Effortlessly combine the power of email marketing with the impact of SMS and boost your customer engagement like never before. inMobile is a leading SMS-gateway provider. We offer a wide variety of SMS-solutions perfectly fitted for our users’ needs and preferences. Reach your audience around the world easily with SMS

Land in the pockets of your target audience

With inMobiles Native CX App for Automations in ActiveCampaign, it is now possible to add text messages directly into your automation flows. This makes it easier for you to combine the powers of email and SMS as part of your marketing strategy.

Collect and use valuable data

Whether you want to send emails or text messages, you need to collect permissions first. Once you have collected permissions, start collection data, and use them to create effective automations with email and text.

E.g., create abandoned card and cross-sell flows to re-engage customers or send them a discount code on their birthday to keep customer loyalty. The possibilities are endless.

Let SMS and email work together for the best results

SMS and email each has their advantages and together they are powerful marketing tools. When integrating inMobile and ActiveCampaign, you can leverage the advantages of both platform and create amazing flows to convert marketing-permissions into loyal customers.


  • Engage your audience with personalized text messages based on customer behavior.
  • Create valuable flows such as abandoned cart, cross-sell, welcome series, post purchse and more.
  • Keep your SMS-costs low by automatically adding failed numbers or dead leads to inMobiles blacklist.
  • Create and update contacts automatically and make sure they are always synchronized and up to date.
  • Create automated SMS-flows based on relevant data such as how your customers interact with your brand.
  • Improve your customer attraction, retention, and loyalty with valuable text-messages in automations.

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Instant set-up. No credit card required.

Cut through the noise

Reach your audience where they are on one of the most personal and effective platforms: SMS

Bring your imagination to life with the ActiveCampaign API.

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Try ActiveCampaign for free

Instant set-up. No credit card required.