Variable |
Description |
api_action* | campaign_create |
api_output | xml, json, or serialize (default is XML) |
type* | Campaign type. Example: 'single', 'recurring', 'split', 'responder', 'reminder', 'activerss', 'text' |
segmentid | List segment ID (0 for no segment) |
name* | The internal campaign name. Example: 'Friday Newsletter' |
sdate* | The date when the campaign should be sent out (not used for campaign types 'responder', 'reminder'). Example: '2010-11-05 08:40:00' |
status* | The status of the campaign. Example: 0 = draft, 1 = scheduled |
public* | The visibility of the campaign - if the campaign should be visible on the public side. Example: 1 = visible, 0 = not visible. |
tracklinks | Whether or not to track links, and what type of links to track. Examples: 'all', 'mime', 'html', 'text', 'none'. Setting this value to 'all' will let the system know to fetch, parse, and track all links it finds in both TEXT and HTML body. If mime/html/text is provided, then variable 'links' also must exist, with a list of URLs to track. Choosing 'html' or 'text' will track only the links in that message body. |
tracklinksanalytics | Whether or not to use the lists' Google Analytics settings. Example: 1 = yes, 0 = no. |
trackreads | Whether or not to track reads. Example: 1 = yes, 0 = no. |
trackreplies | Whether or not to track replies. Example: 1 = yes, 0 = no. |
analytics_campaign_name | Set the name of this campaign to use in Google Analytics. Example: 'Friday Newsletter: Analytics' |
tweet | Whether or not to use lists' Twitter settings. Example: 1 = yes, 0 = no. |
facebook | Whether or not to use lists' Facebook settings. Example: 1 = yes, 0 = no. |
embed_images | Whether or not to use embedded images in this campaign. Example: 1 = yes, 0 = no. |
htmlunsub | Whether or not to append unsubscribe link to the bottom of HTML body. Example: 1 = yes, 0 = no. |
textunsub | Whether or not to append unsubscribe link to the bottom of TEXT body. Example: 1 = yes, 0 = no. |
htmlunsubdata | Provide custom unsubscribe link addons. Example: '<div><a href="%UNSUBSCRIBELINK%">Click here</a> to unsubscribe from future mailings.</div>'. |
textunsubdata | Provide custom unsubscribe link addons. Example: 'Click here to unsubscribe from future mailings: %UNSUBSCRIBELINK%'. |
recurring | If recurring mailing. Repeat every day. Example: 'day1'. Possible values are day1, day2, week1, week2, month1, month2, quarter1, quarter2, year1, year2. Values ending with 1 mean "every", and ending with 2 mean "every other." |
split_type | If split mailing. Example: 'even' (send each message to even number of contacts). Possible values are 'even', 'read' and 'click'. If 'read' or 'click' is used, 'split_offset' and 'split_offset_type' need to be present. In that case it will use a "winner" scenario. |
split_offset | If split mailing. How much to wait. Example: 12. |
split_offset_type | If split mailing. How long to wait. Examples: hour, day, week, month. |
responder_offset | If auto-responder. How long after (un)subscription to send it. Example: 12. |
responder_type | If auto-responder. After what to send it. Examples: 'subscribe' and 'unsubscribe' |
reminder_field | If auto-reminder. What contact field to use. Examples: cdate, sdate, udate, or an ID of a custom field. |
reminder_format | If auto-reminder. Format in which the date is represented in abovementioned contact field. Example: 'yyyy-mm-dd' |
reminder_type | If auto-reminder. Match just a month and the day (yearly), or match year as well. Examples: 'month_day', 'year_month_day' |
reminder_offset | If auto-reminder. How many days/weeks/months/years from that date should it trigger. Example: 5. |
reminder_offset_type | If auto-reminder. Examples: day, week, month, year. |
reminder_offset_sign | If auto-reminder. Examples: + and -. For example: +5days from today needs to be the value of contact's field. |
activerss_interval | If ActiveRSS. Same options as for recurring mailings. Example: 'day1' |
p[ LIST-ID ]* | Array of List ID(s) to use. Example: p[1] = 1, p[2] = 2. List ID should be the array key AND value. |
m[ MESSAGE-ID ]* | Message ID to use. Example: m[1] = 100. In this example, 1 is the message ID, and 100 is the percentage of contacts who should get this message (used only in Split Test campaigns with Winner scenario). In almost all cases use 100 for the value. |
addressid | Address ID (0 for default). |
linkurl[] | If 'tracklinks' variable is not set to 'all', provide a list of link URL's to track here. Example: ''. |
linkname[] | If 'tracklinks' variable is not set to 'all', provide a list of link names to track here. Example: 'Google Inc.'. |
linkmessage[] | If 'tracklinks' variable is not set to 'all', provide a list of link messages to track here. Found in message with this ID. Example: 8. |