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Partner App Bi-directional

Search all of your apps at once

Glances was built to securely connect all of your apps and provide a simplified view of the data you need in real time, no coding necessary.

Eliminate clicks and tab switching between apps

Glances works on any webpage you visit and within any app or platform you use, so you and your team can eliminate roadblocks and get back to The simplest way to work™.

Perform actions for one app while working in another

With Glances, you can quickly perform actions related to one app while working in another, such as creating invoices, sending applications, and more! Simply click the Actions menu in Glances to see the available options and start crushing your to-dos, saving up to 20 minutes per completed task.

Ready to take ActiveCampaign for a spin?

Try it free for 14 days.

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Join over 180k customers. No credit card needed. Instant setup.