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Partner App Bi-directional

Make and Receive Calls and Messages

Talk to your customers/leads in seconds with a click-to-call button in ActiveCampaign. You can also send instant SMS messages by using the texting option.

Keep Your Contacts Up-to-Date

Synchronize your ActiveCampaign contacts to KrispCall and the other way around, to stay up to date with your customers' and prospects' details.

Auto-Log and Manage Every Interaction

Each interaction, be it calls, messages, or voicemails that you have with a contact on KrispCall is auto-logged and saved within your ActiveCampaign account.

Ready to take ActiveCampaign for a spin?

Try it free for 14 days.

Free 14-day trial with email sign-up
Join over 180k customers. No credit card needed. Instant setup.