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Partner App Inbound

  • You can take advantage of all automated features available through ActiveCampaign and control access to content on your WordPress site with just one click.

  • Create an unlimited amount of free, paid, or trial membership levels and an unlimited number of courses.

  • There's no limit to the number of membership levels you can have and no limit to how many members you can support.

  • For support and community requests please visit and join their Facebook Group.

  • Import these user-created automations from ActiveCampaign's Marketplace to get the most out of this integration:

  • Memberium for AC: Create New User
  • Ready to take ActiveCampaign for a spin?

    Try it free for 14 days.

    Free 14-day trial with email sign-up
    Join over 180k customers. No credit card needed. Instant setup.