Nectar Desk 

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Nectar Desk is a VoIP, text messaging, emailing, and live chat software with all the popular ways of customer interaction under a single interface. It’s an efficient tool to make calls and send texts right within the ActiveCampaign interface. Use Nectar Desk native app from ActiveCampaign automations to add contacts to Nectar Desk autodialers or to sent automated text messages.

Send automated text messages or add contacts to dialer campaigns using Nectar Desk native app from ActiveCampaign automations.

  • Use Nectar Desk app as an action to create a contact in Nectar Desk. It can be seamlessly added to any ongoing SMS or Autodialer campaign based on any ActiveCampaign trigger.
  • How to integrate: From within Automations, click the + sign to Add a New Action, then click CX Apps in the left panel.

  • Reach out to your ActiveCampaign contacts by phone or SMS right from the ActiveCampaign interface.

  • Creating an account with Nectar Desk, you can make both inbound and outbound calls using your computer, desk phone, or cell phone, and communicate with leads using the messaging channel.

  • In what way does the integration work?

  • Once the integration is active, all numbers in ActiveCampaign are highlighted with SMS and call buttons. You can now start calling or sending SMS directly from ActiveCampaign and all your calls and text messages will be logged under the required contact in ActiveCampaign as a note.
  • Nectar Desk integration with ActiveCampaign offers an efficient and convenient way to keep in touch with your prospect without using cell phones or any third-party apps. And as a huge bonus, all the information about your calling or messaging activity will be logged in one place, so you could be sure you won’t miss anything important.
  • What information does the log contain?

  • The Nectar Desk logs contain all the information about your calls and text messages. Moreover, the call log contains the call recording URL, which offers you the ability to listen to the conversation with your client in one click once needed.

  • What can you do with Nectar Desk and ActiveCampaign?

    • Target leads based on the ActiveCampaign list.
    • Keep in touch with them in the easiest possible way.
    • Create ActiveCampaign contacts from Nectar Desk
    • Call and send texts to more than 150 countries
    • Sync contacts between both platforms
    • Improve your outbound calling with a voicemail drop option reaching out to more prospects with no special efforts
    • Sync standard and custom data fields from your Nectar Desk account to your ActiveCampaign fields
    • Use click-to-call and click-to-SMS extensions to quickly get in touch with clients
    • Get full access to analytics and reporting, and track how your leads and contacts interact with text messages you send
    • Access call recording URL to listen to the conversation with your client in one click
    • Send WhatsApp messages to your customers directly from ActiveCampaign
    • All your calls and text messages will be logged under the required contact in ActiveCampaign as a note.
    • It's a highly efficient and convenient way to keep all the information about the call or SMS in one place in order to take things under control.
    • The call log will also contain the call recording URL which offers you the ability to listen to the conversation with your client in one click once needed.

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