Apps and Integrations

Integrate RightBound with ActiveCampaign

Keep your CRM contacts up-to-date and find phone numbers for prospects

Complete missing contact information

Complete your contact records with job title, company, and LinkedIn profile.

Enrich contacts with mobile phone

Find mobile phone numbers for your contacts.

Discover outdated contacts

Mark and update contacts who switched roles or companies.

See plans and pricing.


  • Complete missing contact info: current role, LinkedIn profile, and company
  • Update inaccurate contact information
  • Find accurate mobile phone numbers
  • Verify contact emails - Coming soon!
  • Find a business profile from a personal email - Coming soon!
  • Find additional contacts in your target accounts - Coming soon!

Try ActiveCampaign for free

Instant set-up. No credit card required.

Use RightBound to keep your CRM contacts up-to-date, and enrich leads with fresh contact information.

Complete missing contact information (job title, company, and LinkedIn profile.

Enrich contacts with mobile phone numbers.

Discover outdated contacts and mark contacts who switched roles or companies.

Bring your imagination to life with the ActiveCampaign API.

Go to Developer Portal 

Try ActiveCampaign for free

Instant set-up. No credit card required.