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Built by ActiveCampaign Outbound
Help customers in real-time with Slack and ActiveCampaign.

Give sales, marketing, and support teams real-time Slack alerts the second a customer needs help

Timing matters. Whether a customer needs help getting a quote, would like to redeem a promotion, or needs support help to solve an issue; your job is to help them quickly. Bring sales, marketing, and support together by combining real-time Slack alerts and ActiveCampaign’s customer experience automation (CXA) platform.

Improve customer experiences with automated real-time alerts

If a customer asks for a demo on a Tuesday afternoon, you can safely assume they are asking your competitor for one as well. Helping the customer first can often win you their business. Use ActiveCampaign to power automated real-time alerts so your team can win the customer first.

Empower the right teams to help customers at the right time

We know it's important to help customers resolve issues quickly. Automated real-time Slack alerts, powered by ActiveCampaign, can improve customer support with automated ticket management alerts, automated ticket creation, and so much more.

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