#1 Stay relevant to your audience
Sync Red61 transactions directly into ActiveCampaign for detailed customer insights.
#2 Send Targeted Campaigns
Utilize Red61 data in ActiveCampaign’s automation builder to trigger targeted campaigns and follow-ups.
#3 Get your customers’ profiles automatically updated
Whenever your customers complete a transaction, their data automatically maps to ActiveCampaign and a customer profile gets created or an existing one updated.
Key Features
Seamless Data Integration: Effortlessly sync customer data, ticket purchases, and event attendance from Red61 into ActiveCampaign, eliminating manual data entry and ensuring accuracy.Enhanced Customer Segmentation: Utilize Red61’s detailed ticketing data to create highly targeted segments in ActiveCampaign for personalized marketing campaignsAutomated Marketing Workflows: Trigger automated email sequences in ActiveCampaign based on Red61 customer actions, such as ticket purchases, cancellations, or event attendance.Real-Time Updates: Keep your marketing campaigns current with automatic, real-time syncing of new and updated data from Red61.Improved Customer Insights: Gain a deeper understanding of customer behavior by combining ticketing and marketing data in one platform, enabling smarter decision-making.Streamlined Campaign Performance: Maximize ROI by leveraging Red61 data to refine campaign targeting and messaging, driving better engagement and conversion rates.