Found Money: E-commerce Automations That Generate Revenue Immediately

Shortcuts. Magic tricks. Silver bullets. E-commerce marketers are always on the lookout for ways to quickly improve efficiency, boost sales, and fuel growth. 

Great news! We have some magic to share. These four sales and marketing automations are guaranteed to start earning the instant you put them into action.

Whether you’re selling products, parts, gifts, tickets, or services, these are the automations that can increase your revenue by up to 10X before the end of the year. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

  • Failed order notification: Online orders don’t get completed for any number of reasons—from an incorrect credit card number entry to weak fingers not actually clicking ‘purchase’ to an untimely power outage. The intention to purchase was there.
    By setting up the failed order notification automation, you can automatically notify a customer of a failed purchase attempt without ever lifting a finger. This is the single most lucrative automation you can implement.  

    *Bonus tip—you may need to run a historical sync for the “order updated” and “order created” triggers to appear in the automation builder.
  • Abandoned Cart automation: This recipe triggers a series of emails after your contact abandons their cart in your online store, meaning they put something in their cart but clicked away to another tab or screen, consider doing some price comparison, or got a call from their boss and forgot to complete the order.

    In fact, ActiveCampaign customers recovered 128% more abandoned cart orders during Black Friday weekend in 2022 than the year prior. By setting up this automation now, your business will be more prepared for Black Friday.
  • SMS: Don’t rely exclusively on email to connect with your customers. As ActiveCampaign e-commerce user Woops! Macarons & Gifting founder shares, “If I’m out of the office for a day, I return to 250 emails I never read properly. But I never come back to 250 texts.” By incorporating SMS into your strategy, you can stand out and make memorable and efficient exchanges with your customers.

    If you already collect customers’ phone numbers, a lucrative automation is this purchase reminder, which gets triggered when a customer is expected to run out of stock of something you sell. This is extremely helpful for repeat purchases like pet products or B2B wholesalers.
  • Customer engagement coupons: One of the biggest incentives to complete a purchase now is a timely coupon. But, if you offer discounts all the time, they lose their effectiveness—Bed, Bath & Beyond coupons, anyone? Instead, try this coupon cycle for customer engagement automation, where you reward your most engaged customers. This is highly customizable to your unique customer journey. Some behaviors to reward could be making a purchase, attending a virtual event, or following your brand on social.

Looking for more ways to improve your sales and marketing automation efforts? Check out ActiveCampaign e-commerce automations and integrations. Join our Community, one of our in-person Study Halls, or follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram, and X to get the latest tips and tricks.