If this sounds obvious, it’s because it is. But it’s worth noting, because it’s tempting to want to jump into some code without reading the basics. Each Javascript framework has a different guiding philosophy and takes a slightly unique approach to building web apps:
- What was the original purpose of the framework?
- Why was it created?
- Who maintains it?
- What is the guiding philosophy?
These are the questions that the framework’s introduction can answer.By dedicating 30 to 60 minutes to read the documentation’s introductory content, you’ll be briefed on the core concepts of the framework. These concepts will come up again and again as you learn to build with the framework. It's important to learn and understand the underlying philosophy that guides a framework, because it will give you something to reference when making architectural and design decisions.Take this sentence from the Now compare that to this quote from Big difference! From just this sentence, we’ve learned that Ember attempts to be an all-in-one solution for building a web app, integrating all of the features a developer might need. In contrast, React puts its emphasis on flexibility and composability, emphasising its component-driven architecture.By digging into these two example blurbs from the introductory documentation of Ember and React, it’s evident that they can give a lot away about the philosophy of the framework. Every design decision stems from the core philosophy, so understanding it is important.In addition to understanding the core concepts, you will understand where the actual framework starts and ends. It’s important to have an understanding of what the framework consists of vs. what is part of the framework’s ecosystem. For example: React is often used with Redux, but Redux is not part of React. Understanding what is “React code” vs “Redux code” is important for a few reasons:
- You should know whether you need to import Redux or not
- When you have a question, you’ll know exactly which docs to reference to find information. This makes looking something up much faster.