Why Quality Email Subscribers Matter More Than Quantity

This is part of our Quick Tip series of shorter, single-focused articles. This particular one was inspired by a LinkedIn post by Casey Hill.

Growing your email subscriber list is always a win, right? Especially with handy tools like Substack, ConvertKit, or Beehiiv recommending your content. But what if I told you that it might not be all it’s cracked up to be?

Casey has talked with many creators, including Brendan Hufford (you can catch the clip below), who shared their experiences with these recommendation features. The consensus? These tools can bring in subscribers, but often, they come with a catch: low-quality leads, spam complaints, and non-engaged readers.

This points to a bigger problem in email marketing. The best newsletters don’t just aim to grow their subscriber list—they focus on attracting the right subscribers. It’s about quality over quantity. They make sure their content only reaches people who truly want to hear from them.

The problem with low-quality leads

Using recommendation tools might boost your numbers, but not all subscribers are created equal. When your list is filled with people who aren’t genuinely interested in your content, a few problems come up:

  • Low engagement: These subscribers are less likely to open your emails or click through your content, leading to poor engagement metrics.
  • Spam complaints: Non-engaged subscribers might mark your emails as spam, damaging your sender reputation and deliverability rates.
  • High unsubscribe rates: A significant portion of these new subscribers may quickly unsubscribe, which, while not directly harmful, indicates a mismatch between your content and your audience.

The importance of a clean email list

Maintaining a clean email list is crucial. The best newsletters actively work to ensure their list is full of engaged readers. They don’t shy away from unsubscribes—in fact, they welcome them. Why? Because an unsubscribe is better than a spam complaint, and it helps keep your list healthy and engaged.

Here are some strategies to keep your email list clean:

  1. Regularly purge inactive subscribers: If someone hasn’t engaged with your emails in a while, it might be time to let them go. This helps improve your engagement rates and ensures your content reaches those who care about it.
  2. Encourage unsubscribes: Make it easy for people to unsubscribe if they’re no longer interested. This might seem counterintuitive, but it’s better to have a smaller, more engaged list than a large, disinterested one.
  3. Segment your list: Use segmentation to send more relevant content to different groups of subscribers. This ensures each email is more likely to be of interest to its recipient, boosting engagement.

Real engagement as your north star

When growing your newsletter, your primary goal should be real engagement from your target audience. Metrics like open rates and click-through rates (CTR) are far more important than the sheer number of subscribers.

Let’s break down why:

  • Higher open rates and CTR: A smaller, more engaged list will have higher open rates and CTR, critical indicators of a successful email marketing campaign.
  • Better deliverability: Engaged subscribers are less likely to mark your emails as spam, improving your overall deliverability.
  • Stronger relationships: Engaged readers are more likely to develop a relationship with your brand, leading to higher customer loyalty and better conversion rates.

The ideal email list

To put this into perspective, consider this comparison: Would you prefer a 10,000-person list with 80% open rates and 8% CTR or a 40,000-person list with 18% open rates and 2% CTR? The former is clearly the better choice, as it indicates a highly engaged audience interested in your content.

Bigger isn’t always better

As you work on growing your newsletter, remember that it’s not just about adding more names to your list. Focus on attracting subscribers who are genuinely interested in your content and willing to engage with it. A smaller, engaged audience is far more valuable than a large, disinterested one.

So, think twice the next time you’re tempted to use a tool that promises to boost your subscriber count. Prioritize quality over quantity, and watch your engagement—and your results—soar.

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