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Desenvolvido por ActiveCampaign Inbound
ERJA is ActiveCampaign's premium social media data importer that can help influence data-driven email marketing campaigns

Social Data, or ERJA, is a premium service provided by ActiveCampaign, which you can use to gather more information on your subscribers.

  • Use this data to create targeted campaigns and more personalized marketing automations.

  • The information is collected from multiple third-party data sources and is funneled into your account. Only information that is public or user supplied will be added.

  • ERJA data includes:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • NameCompany
  • Title
  • Klout Score
  • Social media profiles
  • ERJA is available for free for Enterprise plans and can be purchased as an add-on for Lite, Plus, and Professional plans.

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