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Visualize key metrics

  • Easily visualize performance data from ActiveCampaign that you and your team care about, including email sends, opens, clicks, forwards and unsubscribes. No training required. Bring data in from over 70 other tools too.

  • Create professional dashboards in minutes

  • Build a logical, easy-to-understand dashboard right in your browser, that anybody can understand at a glance.

  • Get eyes on your KPIs

  • Share live dashboards with your team and stakeholders with just a link, with daily or weekly snapshots sent automatically over email and Slack, or invite them to create their own dashboards. For maximum visibility, pair a TV or large screen to your account and you can display beautiful, up-to-date dashboards throughout your workplace.

  • Support

  • Please send your questions to

  • Quer testar a ActiveCampaign?

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    Junte-se a mais de 180 mil clientes. Não é necessário cartão de crédito. Configuração instantânea.