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LeadsBridge is an advertising automation platform for lead generation, audience sync and offline conversions sync.

LeadsBridge is an iPaaS solution that enables companies to enhance their omnichannel strategy orchestrating their business data.

  • LeadsBridge fulfills your integration needs, focusing on bridging gaps between advertising platforms and sales funnels, and delivering tailor-made integrations made upon your business needs.

  • The LeadsBridge platform is suited for companies that want to streamline their advertising activities by integrating the marketing technology stack with Facebook & Instagram Ads, Google Ads, and LinkedIn Ads.

  • With more than +370 out-of-the-box integrations available at the moment, you can easily connect your chosen software with your advertising platform, seamlessly synchronizing data for your marketing workflows.

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    Junte-se a mais de 180 mil clientes. Não é necessário cartão de crédito. Configuração instantânea.