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App parceiro Bi-directional

Easily connect your ActiveCampaign account to 250+ other apps

Build custom scenarios at speed

You can implement multiple triggers. Branch and merge your workflows. And even pause flows to wait for external events. Pull in, transform and load data from your business stack. Work with detailed JSON objects that have all your custom fields in a visual UI.

Code when you need, no code when you don’t

Connect APIs with no code to automate basic tasks. Or write vanilla Javascript when you need to manipulate complex data.

Don’t pay for each step

We only count when your workflow does something useful like “send latest GitHub commits from 4 repos to Slack”. n8n doesn’t charge you extra for running more advanced workflows that have a lot of connectors and it doesn’t have Premium apps – all integrations are at your free disposal!

Quer testar a ActiveCampaign?

Experimente grátis por 14 dias.

Cadastre seu email para o teste gratuito de 14 dias
Junte-se a mais de 180 mil clientes. Não é necessário cartão de crédito. Configuração instantânea.