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App parceiro Bi-directional
Parseur is a powerful email parsing tool that automates data extraction from emails and other documents such as PDFs & Microsoft Excel. We are integrated with thousands of applications such as Zapier, Power Automate, Integromat

Built-in library of templates

Use our built-in library of templates to automatically parse emails from any services such as Food Ordering, Real Estate

Point & Click

Create a template for each document layout you receive and Parseur will be able to automatically pick the right one every time

Integration with other applications

Parseur is integrated with thousands of applications. Export the parsed data to any applications of your choice via Zapier, Power Automate, Integromat, and Webhooks.

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Junte-se a mais de 180 mil clientes. Não é necessário cartão de crédito. Configuração instantânea.