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Connect ActiveCampaign with Thinkific and start utilizing ActiveCampaign to grow your course audience and automate student communications.

Thinkific is a leading cloud-based software platform that enables entrepreneurs and established businesses to create, market, and sell online courses. Course creators can easily build and launch customized learning products for their audiences under their own brand, with no technical expertise required. The platform is designed to create transformative learning experiences for students, and drive sustainable revenue for businesses through enterprise-grade functionality and extensibility for growth.

With ActiveCampaign and Thinkific you can:

  • Create beautifully branded course marketing emails
  • Trigger personalized emails based on actions in Thinkific
  • Automate the process for creating and updating contacts

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Junte-se a mais de 180 mil clientes. Não é necessário cartão de crédito. Configuração instantânea.