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Partner App Outbound
Automatically sync contacts and send email reply time analytics and other email metrics to ActiveCampaign.

Ensure leads that are generated via email receive a quick reply

Use timetoreply to get reporting on how many leads that are generated via email actually get a reply from your sales team and track how long each lead (and all leads on average) take to get a reply. Don't let hot leads turn cold due to slow reply times.

Never miss an important email from an existing customer

Create real-time email alerts using timetoreply and a contact group created automatically from one of your Active Campaign lists. For example, send an alert (or create a task in Active Campaign) if any email from "My top 100 customers" list has not received a reply from my "Customer Service" shared mailbox after 2 business hours.

Understand email workloads and which customers are sending you a lot of email

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