Follow-Up Messages for Conversations 

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Follow-up messages: why bother with them?

Besides the fact that it's polite, follow-up messages after an online chat are helpful and a good idea because:

- It lets contacts know you haven't forgotten them

- It gives contacts another point of contact with you

- You can send additional helpful content and information following your online chat

- Send your contact an online chat transcript for future reference

Following up with your contacts after they reach out is the best way to make sure they don't have any questions that are left unanswered.

When a contact reaches out via chat, send them a follow-up message thanking them for reaching out and encouraging them to sign up to your list.

Here to help you with this is the Follow-Up Messages for Conversations automation recipe! This automation must be used with the Conversations feature in ActiveCampaign.

This automation also gives you a chance to include a link to a sign-up form if the contact wants to opt-in to your marketing list.

How does the follow-up messages for Conversations automation work?

Here are the steps of the follow-up messages for Conversations automation:

1. Choose the form "Conversations chat form" as the trigger. This form is automatically generated when you turn on Chat in the Conversations feature.

2. The contact submits their email to the Conversations form in the chat widget.

3. You choose how long the contact waits until the next step (based on how long it takes for the chat to resolve)

4. The contact gets an online chat follow-up email to check in and thank them for reaching out. This is a transactional email that gives them the chance to opt-in to the marketing list.

What do you need to use the follow-up messages for Conversations automation recipe?

Just an ActiveCampaign account, the Conversations feature, and a contact list!

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