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Automatically subscribe amoCRM leads and customers to your ActiveCampaign lists to nurture sales and build loyalty

Sales teams spend the majority of their time in the CRM, so why not add the power of automated email right in the pipeline? When you connect amoCRM and ActiveCampaign, you can:

  • Subscribe/Unsubscribe an amoCRM lead to your ActiveCampaign when they are moved to a particular stage in the amoCRM pipeline
  • Add a note or move a lead to a new stage in amoCRM after an ActiveCampaign is sent
  • Add a note to a lead card when an ActiveCampaign subscriber bounces or unsubscribes
  • And much more!

Sind Sie bereit, ActiveCampaign auszuprobieren?

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Kosten­lose 14-tägige Test­ver­sion mit E‑Mail-Anmel­dung
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