Click­Send Direct Mail 

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Partner App Bi-directional
Create a truly integrated customer experience by including direct mail, and do it automatically through the ClickSend Mail integration. Direct mail allows for endless creativity (which helps brands stand out from the competition) and can feel more personal to the recipient.

Enhance your customer contact strategy by adding direct mail

Postcard or letter is a perfect, “tangible” addition to any digitally focused customer contact strategy.

Send personalised direct mail automatically

Trigger on-demand postcards and letters directly from ActiveCampaign at any point in the customer lifecycle.

No minimum volumes, anywhere in the world

From thousands of transactional letters across the globe to a one-off postcard down the road. Your mail gets the same service.

How to integrate

From within Automations, click the + sign to Add a New Action, then click CX Apps in the left panel.

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