Face­book Offline Conversions 

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Connector App Bi-directional
Track Facebook Ad performance by logging how many ActiveCampaign contacts were created from a specific campaign.

Save new contacts in Facebook Offline Conversion and create new audiences based on their profiles.

  • Automatically optimize your Facebook Ads by syncing link clicks in an ActiveCampaign campaign as offline conversions.

  • Save money and remove recent customers from targeted ad audiences. Add engaged contacts to retargeting ad campaigns based on updates within ActiveCampaign.

  • Sind Sie bereit, ActiveCampaign auszuprobieren?

    Testen Sie es 14 Tage lang kostenlos.

    Kosten­lose 14-tägige Test­ver­sion mit E‑Mail-Anmel­dung
    Schließen Sie sich über 180.000 Kunden an. Keine Kreditkarte erforderlich. Sofortige Einrichtung.