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Partner App Inbound
Connect your ActiveCampaign account to to collect data and automatically sync records from your beautifully designed forms.

Use beautiful forms to collect data and automatically send it to your ActiveCampaign account.

Automatically create contacts

Create beautiful-looking forms to get information from your audience. Then, use this data to seamlessly and automatically create contacts on your preferred ActiveCampaign list with related tags.

Drive more sign ups through your forms.

Use conditional logic to only show relative questions to your respondents. When you combine this with your brand visuals, you will have a form that will get you more responses and more sign-ups.

Create new ActiveCampaign contacts through form submissions.

Types of forms you have access to when connecting ActiveCampaign + 

  • Lead Generation forms
  • Sign-up forms
  • Feedback Surveys
  • Contact us forms
  • Event forms

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