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Partner App Bi-directional
Automatically send SMS appointment reminders when you schedule meetings with your ActiveCampaign contacts

Put an End to No-Shows with Automated Reminders

  • Trigger appointment reminders automatically when you schedule meetings with your ActiveCampaign contacts.
  • Send multiple reminders prior to meeting start times.
  • Send follow-up reminders immediately after an appointment or up to a year later.
  • Built-in conditional logic allows you to send reminders based on specific criteria; for example, send an additional reminder only to clients who fail to confirm their appointment with you.
  • Use Automated Online Scheduling and Add New Contacts to ActiveCampaign

  • Scheduling clients can take hours out of your busy day. Use automated scheduling to eliminate time consuming back and forth.
  • Syncs with your calendar to eliminate double bookings. Control your schedule down to five minute increments.
  • New contacts who schedule with you will automatically be added to your ActiveCampaign contacts.
  • Sind Sie bereit, ActiveCampaign auszuprobieren?

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