Inter­act, The Quiz Collective Inc 

Interact helps entrepreneurs, creatives, and businesses leverage quizzes for lead generation and growing relationships.

Interact quizzes are a high performing methods for converting web traffic to your email list. You also get access to our full suite, giving you insights to your audience based on how people answer your quiz. With Interact, you have the tools to really get to know your customers and understanding evolving trends in your customer base - all while building a great email list!

Since 2013 we've been helping companies realize how impactful quizzes are to the bottom line. Use Interact to create quizzes, giveaways, and even polls on your business website to get to know your audience. Connect them to ActiveCampaign to organize your email list and get the opportunity to continue the conversation with your new subscribers.

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Kosten­lose 14-tägige Test­ver­sion mit E‑Mail-Anmel­dung
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