Apps und Integrationen

Inte­gra­tion mit Ihren Lieblings-Apps

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In just a few clicks, your ActiveCampaign data will be ready to use across your client’s reports and dash­boards in your Oviond account.
Partner App Outbound
Analytik und Berichterstattung

Use to create auto­ma­tion work­flows based on events and custom fields from review data in ActiveCampaign
Partner App Inbound
Ecommerce & Loyalty


Segment is an analy­tics tool that allows you to track your data once and send it to any tool you wish to use.
Erstellt von ActiveCampaign Bi-directional
Analytik und Berichterstattung


SegMe­trics is a data analy­tics tool desi­gned to help you better under­stand how your funnels are making you money. Disco­ver where your best…
Partner App Outbound
Analytik und Berichterstattung

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