Apps und Integrationen

Inte­gra­tion mit Ihren Lieblings-Apps

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Crowdin is an AI-powered, cloud-based loca­liza­tion plat­form desi­gned to simplify and enhance the process of trans­la­ting your ActiveCampaign…
Partner App Outbound
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Auto­ma­ti­cally send perso­na­li­zed SMS messa­ges to your cont­acts based on contact fields anywhere in ActiveCampaigns automation
Connector App Bi-directional
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Dead­line Funnel

Using Dead­line Funnel in conjunc­tion with a landing page builder and ActiveCampaign creates a fully respon­sive, unique countdown experience…
Partner App Inbound


DilogR gives you the ability to produce compel­ling, enga­ging, and most importantly inter­ac­tive pieces of content for your potential…
Partner App Inbound


Prepare, send and eSign sales docu­ments auto­ma­ti­cally import­ing CRM data.
Partner App Outbound


Auto­ma­ti­cally create and update ActiveCampaign cont­acts who sign Docu­Sign docu­ments sent by your team. Create draft enve­lo­pes to send in…
Connector App Bi-directional


Keep your custo­mers in sync across Game­ball and ActiveCampaign, and target them based on your loyalty data
Partner App Inbound
Ecommerce & Loyalty

Gift Up!

The simp­lest way to sell your busi­ness’ gift cards online. Syncs gift card purcha­sers with ActiveCampaign.
Partner App Inbound
Ecommerce & Loyalty


Auto­ma­ti­cally create cont­acts and add them to lists into ActiveCampaign based on HeroSpark triggers
Partner App Inbound

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