Apps und Integrationen

Inte­gra­tion mit Ihren Lieblings-Apps

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Flexie CRM

Inte­gra­ting Flexie CRM with ActiveCampaign will allow you share and synchro­nize Leads/​Contacts infor­ma­tion through Flexie CRM Automation…
Partner App Inbound
Leadgenerierung und -management


Using Form­desk with ActiveCampaign will allow you to send new cont­acts gained through form submis­si­ons directly to ActiveCampaign.
Connector App Bi-directional
Leadgenerierung und -management


Formi­tize is an all around custo­mizable solu­tion for moving from paper based forms to elec­tro­nic based solu­ti­ons. The wide variety of uses…
Connector App Bi-directional
Leadgenerierung und -management

Connect your ActiveCampaign account to to collect data and auto­ma­ti­cally sync records from your beau­tifully designed forms.
Partner App Inbound
Leadgenerierung und -management

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