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Connector App Inbound
Automatically sync customer & account data from your warehouse to ActiveCampaign.

Turn data into action

  • Snowflake is a fantastic tool to store all your data, but how are you acting on it? By combining the storage power of Snowflake with the automation power of ActiveCampaign, you can build automation flows that ensure the right customers are getting the right message at the right time.

  • Create segmented lists

  • Snowflake does a fantastic job storing your customer data, ActiveCampaign helps you segment it. Segmenting your Snowflake customer data into ActiveCampaign lists is one of the best ways to ensure your messages reach the right audience.

  • Make emails personal

  • You already store so much information about your customers in Snowflake, use it to make your email communications more personal!

  • Sind Sie bereit, ActiveCampaign auszuprobieren?

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