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Multi-channel inventory with powerful stock management & order fulfillment. Sell & distribute products. Manage entire business and increase your profits.

ZapERP is a SaaS provider that controls your inventory, manage orders and stocks. It integrates with multiple e-commerce channels like Shopify, Amazon, WooCommerce, Magento, Etsy, eBay etc. You can create purchase orders, receive items (full or partial), create bills from PO, and also create sales orders, shipment tracking, generate invoices from SO.

Manage multiple warehouses and batches. Transfer stock from one warehouse to another easily. Perform stock adjustment and stock take manually and using a barcode scanner.

It also has features like POS with bar-code support, Full or partial incoming & outgoing payment management. ZapERP works seamlessly with leading email providers like ActiveCampaign to send marketing or transactional emails. ActiveCampaign not only helps users to send emails but also newsletters and messages.

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