Zendesk Support 

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Partner App Inbound
Sync Ticket and Requester data from Zendesk to ActiveCampaign and trigger personalized communications.

Marketing and Sales Alignment

  • Ensure marketing and sales have a common understanding of your prospects and customers. Learn from their support behaviors to understand what drives them, creating more meaningful experiences.

  • Track and update your team's deals.

  • Continuously update and create deals from support tickets that become selling opportunities

  • Drive Action With Data

  • Automatically sync prospect information like website visits, email opens, open support tickets and form fills between ActiveCampaign and Zendesk Support so your customer never gets a sales call while they’re in the middle of resolving a support issue

  • Sind Sie bereit, ActiveCampaign auszuprobieren?

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    Kosten­lose 14-tägige Test­ver­sion mit E‑Mail-Anmel­dung
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