Bonjoro video: Acti­vate new custo­mers by sending a perso­nal welcome video 

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Struggling to get new customers truly active with your product or course?

This recipe lets you send personalised welcome videos to new customers to delight them, and make sure they take the right steps to activate with your product.

In this automation, whenever a new customer is added to your new customer list, or a contact's deal status is changed to won, it will trigger a Bonjoro task for you to record them a video. If you track new customers in a different way, adjust this trigger accordingly.

Use your video to welcome them by name, outline how you will personally support them to success, and guide them on the most important first steps to take to get the most value from your product.

You can add a call to action on your Bonjoro video to drive the next step from your new customer; whether that's booking a demo, watching a walkthrough video, or joining your community, or something else that will get them active.

Here's a great example video:

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