Add Cont­acts to FB Custom Audi­en­ces from Online Chat 

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Having multiple contact touchpoints lets you reach people no matter where they are. Your target audience isn't going to come from just one channel. But this also means that you'll have multiple groups of contacts to sort through from a variety of traffic channels.

You only have two hands, how do you organize everyone that comes through places like live online chats?

You don't do anything. An automation recipe can! Specifically, the Add Contacts to FB Custom Audiences from Online Chat Automation Recipe.

When a contact reaches out via chat, this automation adds them to your Facebook Custom Audience.

NOTE: This automation recipe requires a Facebook integration and must be used with the Conversations feature.

How does the add contacts to FB custom audiences from online chat automation work?

Here's how the add contacts to FB custom audiences from online chat automation works:

1. The contact submits their email to the Conversations form in the chat widget

2. The contact gets added to your Facebook Custom Audience and exits the automation.

You may want to build a specific Facebook Custom Audience to incentivize contacts to opt-in to your marketing and, once on a list, switch to a more targeted Custom Audience.

What do you need to use the add contacts to FB custom audiences from online chat automation recipe?

Just an ActiveCampaign account, the Conversations feature, a Facebook integration, and a contact list!

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