Automate your workflows

Pre-Assign­ment Email Series

How do you make sure contrac­tors and team members are on the same page before an assign­ment begins? Share infor­ma­tion and set expectations…
Erstellt von ActiveCampaign
Project Management

Fitness: Weekly Workout Email Series

Lots of your fitness cont­acts are trying to build a regular weekly workout habit, and a lot of them likely run into the same big problem –…
Erstellt von ActiveCampaign
Project Management

Deter­mine Best Sales Drip

How do you measure sales email perfor­mance? How can you figure out which sales emails work best or which sales emails are better?The…
Erstellt von ActiveCampaign
Sales Automation

Alle Rezepte

Zeigt 241-270 von 963 Automationsrezepte an

Educa­tion: Black Friday Class Offer

What’s the best product available on Black Friday? How about knowledge?Black Friday is a great holiday for the online education industry.…
Erstellt von ActiveCampaign
Marketing Automation

Educa­tion: Discount when course is completed

How do you make cont­acts into repeat course takers?There’s always more to learn. Someone can complete a course and misgui­dedly think they…
Erstellt von ActiveCampaign
Sales Automation

Educa­tion: Regis­tra­tion Form Flow

How do your students regis­ter for your courses?Chances are, despite your work­flow, they all start the same. Someone expres­ses interest in…
Erstellt von ActiveCampaign
Project Management

Educa­tion: Upco­ming Class Interest Flow

How should I follow up with cont­acts when they engage with a one-off campaign?You know you’re sending an email blast about an exciting…
Erstellt von ActiveCampaign
Marketing Automation

Email Auto­ma­tion for Event Registration

Guide atten­dees through your event regis­tra­tion process with auto­ma­ted emails and JotForm. Once a new user is regis­tered, this automation…
Erstellt von ActiveCampaign
Project Management

Email Campaign Social Share Incentive

Reward your cont­acts for sharing your email campaign on social media with this auto­ma­tion. When a contact shares your campaign,…
Erstellt von ActiveCampaign
Project Management

Email con coupon di comp­le­anno e anniversario

Vuoi fest­eg­giare i tuoi clienti più fedeli e farli sentire speciali? Aggi­ungi l’au­to­ma­zione dei coupon per un giorno speciale alla tua…
Erstellt von ActiveCampaign
Marketing Automation

Email Follow-Up Reminder

Follow-up respon­ses to an open deal contact are very important to the pros­pect nurtu­ring process. And if you have a lot of open deals, that…
Erstellt von ActiveCampaign
Sales Automation

Email Forward Incentive

Reward your cont­acts for forwar­ding your marke­ting emails to their friends and family. When a contact forwards your campaign, this…
Erstellt von ActiveCampaign
Project Management

Email Givea­way for Limited Contacts

Contests and givea­ways are a great way to gene­rate leads and build your email list. Exchan­ging a limited time deal, email coupon, giveaway,…
Erstellt von ActiveCampaign
Sales Automation

Email Highly Engaged Custo­mers For Feedback

Custo­mer feed­back is one of the best ways to iden­tify the things you do well, and the areas that need impro­ve­ment. Custo­mer feedback points…
Erstellt von ActiveCampaign
Customer Support

Email Sequence for Previous Clients

If you’re a free­lan­cer, your old clients are a great source of new busi­ness. Your rela­ti­onship is estab­lished, and you don’t have to go…
Erstellt von ActiveCampaign
Sales Automation

Engage Pros­pects Inte­res­ted In Pricing

How do you engage poten­tial custo­mers inte­res­ted in discus­sing pricing? Are you looking for a way to sche­dule a call with an engaged…
Erstellt von ActiveCampaign
Sales Automation

Envío de nuevas entra­das de blog

Publi­cas contenido fabu­loso en tu blog y quieres que los suscrip­to­res de tu lista se enteren.Por supuesto, pero… ¿cómo envías las entradas…
Erstellt von ActiveCampaign
Marketing Automation

Erin­ne­rung an abgebrochenen Warenkorb

Video-Über­blick und Vorstel­lung der Vorla­ge­Ein Kontakt kauft auf Ihrer eCom­merce-Site ein. Er legt Artikel in den Waren­korb und lässt den…
Erstellt von ActiveCampaign
Sales Automation

Inte­grate your entire tech stack with custom apps

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