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App de socio Outbound

Save time by automating dashboards & reports

Stop wasting billable hours switching between platforms and reporting manually each month. Create customizable marketing dashboards and reports that connect data from more than 75 integrated platforms—including ActiveCampaign email marketing metrics. Schedule to send automatically or give your clients access in real-time.

Reduce churn by demonstrating your agency’s value & ROI

Share professional, white-labeled dashboards and reports that show clients your agency’s performance and progress across email, SEO, PPC, social media, and more. Include annotations, custom metrics, and goal tracking for even more layers of data visualization and value added.

Manage your entire agency

Add unlimited staff and client user accounts to the platform and choose exactly what level of granular access you want to share with each one. Streamline communication and collaboration with your clients and your team, all in one easy-to-use platform.

¿Todo listo para probar ActiveCampaign?

Pruébalo gratis durante 14 días.

Prueba gratuita de 14 días con regis­tro por correo electrónico
Únase a más de 180.000 clientes. No se necesita tarjeta de crédito. Configuración instantánea.