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App de socio Inbound

Email marketers can put this week's sale in last week's mail with live elastic content from Campaign-Genius. Click to add countdown timers, geolocal weather, GIFs, emojii, maps and live tweets, choose from hundreds of pre-personalized visuals, or create and control your own brand templates.

Campaign-Genius provides ready-to-use ActiveCampaign templates, with merge tags for any recipient data.

Elastic content can be added to email templates with one paste; unique visuals are generated on-open from merge data and marketer parameters.

¿Todo listo para probar ActiveCampaign?

Pruébalo gratis durante 14 días.

Prueba gratuita de 14 días con regis­tro por correo electrónico
Únase a más de 180.000 clientes. No se necesita tarjeta de crédito. Configuración instantánea.