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App de socio Outbound

Take action on your data

  • Make better and more personalized e-mail campaigns and buyers journeys by using deeper insights into all of your customers, across all of your channels.
  • Custimy gathers and analyzes data across all of your channels, and provide you with a deeper and more nuanced picture of who you customers actually are and when, where and how to target them, so you can amp up personalization and increase revenue.

No coding

  • You don’t need any coding skills to integrate Custimy. All you’ll need is your API keys, 1 to 5 minute of your time and you’ll be good to go!

¿Todo listo para probar ActiveCampaign?

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Únase a más de 180.000 clientes. No se necesita tarjeta de crédito. Configuración instantánea.