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App de socio Inbound
Simplii is a whole office VoIP phone service provider with traditional telecom features along with a robust ActiveCampaign integration.

Features include:

  • Screen pops with contact name and phone number when making or receiving calls.

  • Phone numbers inside ActiveCampaign are click to call enabled.

  • All phone and sms activity is logged inside each contact record.

  • Call dispositioning can kick-off sms campaigns and other workflow automations.

  • Traditional telecom features include: Call recordings, call center reporting, virtual receptionist, call queues, on hold-music, voicemail to email, and more.

  • ¿Todo listo para probar ActiveCampaign?

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    Únase a más de 180.000 clientes. No se necesita tarjeta de crédito. Configuración instantánea.