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App de socio Inbound
Track email engagement and enrich ActiveCampaign with behavioral data.

The Woopra and ActiveCampaign integration will allow you to track essential email marketing and sales CRM data directly within the Woopra platform. Leverage this data in Woopra reporting and Customer Journey Funnels to understand how email campaigns and sales activities impact the customer lifecycle, optimize areas where you're losing users along the path to conversion, measure full-funnel attribution and more!

This integration also comes loaded with a powerful set of pre-built automations. Not only can you bring data into Woopra from ActiveCampaign, but you can also take immediate action with triggers, including the ability to:

  • Create or update ActiveCampaign Contacts and properties in real-time

  • Automatically create deals and add Contacts to deals from Woopra based on any combination of criteria

  • Automatically Add/Remove Contacts and Leads from lists

  • Automatically Add/Remove Contacts from Automation

  • Automatically Add Notes or Tags to a Contact in ActiveCampaign from Woopra

  • ¿Todo listo para probar ActiveCampaign?

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