Auto­mate and grow your online store

Power your store with intelligent marketing automation. Turn shoppers into loyal customers with frictionless, personalized experiences.

Prueba gratuita de 14 días con regis­tro por correo electrónico
Únase a más de 180.000 clientes. No se necesita tarjeta de crédito. Configuración instantánea.

Build adap­ta­ble multi-step automations

Reach & engage customers

Get the tools you need to grow one-time purchasers into brand loyalist through the entire customer journey in a matter of minutes.

Drive repeat sales with targe­ted and timely communications

Personalize your messages with email automations designed to get you the next sale. Showcase your product catalog, cross-sell relevant products, send abandoned cart reminders, target messages based on product interest, and more.

Get actio­na­ble sugges­tions at your fingertips

AI-powered auto­ma­tion suggestions

Write out what you want to achieve in plain text, and our intelligent automation builder will create a draft automation with relevant actions, triggers, and goals.

Get inspi­red by 900+ pre-built recipes

No matter what you want to do with automation, chances are there’s a pre-built recipe for you. Use them off-the-shelf, or leverage them as a starting point to customize and expand.

Respond to your audience’s actions

Spend more time on what matters

When you automate manual tasks behind the scenes, you free up your team’s time to provide a personalized, relationship-building experience.

Adapt to user behavior

Adapt, change, and automate your email or marketing campaigns based on customer health, feature adoption, and more.

Improve conver­sions and prevent atten­tion drop off

Unders­tand custo­mer pain points

Analyze cart abandonment for insights into buying process issues—like shipping costs or complex checkout—to enhance the shopping experience.

Recap­ture those almost-lost sales

Test different strategies to find out what works best for recovery emails. Drive more revenue with recommendations tailored to individual customer tastes.

Share the right products with the right people

Tailor every shopping experience

Leverage store and behavior data to show each shopper products that resonate with their unique preferences.

Know what shoppers want

Analyze purchase histories and individual product success to tailor future offerings and communications. Use personalized content and product recommendations endations to boost brand loyalty and long-term customer value.

Simplify subs­crip­tions and recurring payments

Provide effortless subscription experiences for your customers. Our recurring payment features boost the lifetime value of your customers, increase average order value, and build brand loyalty.

Automate payment processes to simplify the customer journey and offer subscription options straight from your storefront.

We’ll handle the day-to-day, you focus on the products

Check out our pre-built automation recipes and start building out effective ecommerce workflows in seconds.

  • Recetas Sales Automation Featured

    Aban­do­ned Cart Reminder

    Apro­ve­cha la infor­ma­ción de Shopify para enviar recor­da­to­rios por correo elec­tró­nico a los clien­tes que aban­do­nan el proceso de pago sin comple­tar una transacción.

  • Recetas Sales Automation

    WooCom­merce: Ecom­merce Product Sales Drip Email Series

    Envía una serie de correos elec­tró­ni­cos auto­ma­ti­za­dos que promo­cio­nen un producto o servi­cio espe­cí­fico a tus contac­tos: un correo elec­tró­nico por día, durante cuatro días.

Everything you need to turn leads into loyal shoppers

Start building best-in-class shopping experiences today with our intelligent, predictive, and effortless features.

  • 900+ integrations
  • Marketing automation
  • Subscriptions
  • Cross-sell & upselling
  • Personalized discounts
  • Abandoned cart reminders
  • Email marketing
  • Predictive sending
  • Product catalog
  • Forms & landing pages
  • Segmentation
  • Custom reporting

An ecom­merce solu­tion for every use case

With our platform, you have everything you need to sell your products and grow your business.

  • Retail & direct-to-consumer

    Run a unified auto­ma­tion stra­tegy for all your stores whether they are online, brick & mortar or both. Keep track of all inter­ac­tions to trigger auto­ma­tion that deeply perso­na­lize the expe­rience of each shopper.

  • Whole­sale

    Operate multi­ple stores selling in diffe­rent coun­tries leve­ra­ging the same auto­ma­tion stra­tegy. Auto­mate assig­ning deal values, custo­mi­zing account fields and atta­ching contracts to each customer record.

  • Dropship­ping

    Cons­tantly updated product cata­logs to reflect the latest pricing and stock changes from your store. Use featu­res like forms, aban­do­ned cart reco­very and ad inte­gra­tions to turn visits into purchases

  • Market­pla­ces

    Create best-in-class, diffe­ren­tia­ted expe­rien­ces for both buyers & sellers. With auto­ma­tion, buyers find an assort­ment of great products and sellers sell fast.

Cómo el espe­cia­lista en cable Morrow Audio recu­peró los carritos abandonados

El 75 % de los compradores abandonan sus carritos en línea. Sin embargo, con la marketing automation inteligente, Morrow Audio recuperó el 26 % de las ventas inconclusas y obtuvo 30 000 dólares en ingresos.

26 %
Recuperación de carritos abandonados
Aunque soy el direc­tor general ejecu­tivo, presi­dente y funda­dor de Morrow Audio, como ActiveCampaign es tan senci­llo de usar, ¡me encanta hacerlo! Y el sitio web es una máquina de ventas. Solo tengo que lograr que la gente aparezca, ellos se encar­gan de comprar.

¿Todo listo para probar ActiveCampaign?

Pruébalo gratis durante 14 días.

Prueba gratuita de 14 días con regis­tro por correo electrónico
Únase a más de 180.000 clientes. No se necesita tarjeta de crédito. Configuración instantánea.