
Emily Levy Consulting

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I work primarily with solopreneurs in the coaching, speaking, and health fields to build an online presence that helps your ideal clients find you, feel you, and know you're exactly the right person to help them.
Do you wish someone would sit down next to you and walk you through the land of online marketing? Whether you want a team to implement your ActiveCampaign automations, campaigns, and pipelines for you, want help doing it yourself, or are looking for something in-between, I’m here for you.
I specialize in providing “tech ease for non-techies,” working with business owners like you to grow your reach by attracting and serving clients online. I also welcome projects for community organizations, non-profits, and candidates for public office who are working to create a just and sustainable world.
I’m a Certified Partner of DigitalMarketer, with additional certifications in Customer Acquisition, Customer Value Optimization, Content Marketing, and Email Marketing.

Done-for-you, done-with-you, and supported do-it-yourself options are all available.
Services include:
- Email Marketing and Automation
- Technology Selection and Setup
- Online Program Consulting and Implementation
- Lead Magnet (Free Gift) Creation
- Sales Funnel Creation
- Copywriting and Editing
- Teleseminar, Webinar and Telesummit Consulting and Implementation
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