Send SMS text messa­ges to new news­let­ter, blog, and email subscribers 

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Creado por MessageMedia

Leverage this automated workflow from MessageMedia to send SMS messages to customers that have subscribed to a new list on your website, including:

- Newsletter subscriptions

- Blog subscriptions

- Email subscriptions (product alerts, etc.)

With this recipe, you can automatically send SMS text messages to any individual who subscribes to a list on your website.

Use quick SMS reminders to reach out to your prospects and customers to confirm their subscription and engage with them more quickly.

Save even more time and get started with our pre-built SMS templates:


Hi [NAME], thanks for signing up to receive [COMPANY NAME] updates! We are excited to share the latest products and deals with you. Text STOP to opt out.


Hi [NAME], thanks for signing up for our newsletter. Take 10% off your next purchase with code [CODE] on us. Text STOP to opt out.

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