View many (or all) contacts by including their ID's or various filters. This is useful for searching for contacts that match certain criteria - such as being part of a certain list, or having a specific custom field value. Contacts that are not subscribed to at least one list will not be viewable via this endpoint.
HTTP method:
Supported output formats:
xml, json, serialize
Requires authentication:
* indicates requirement. Underlined params include in URL, otherwise as part of the post body. POST data must be formatted as
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
. We don't accept any other input formats like JSON.
xml, json, or serialize (default is XML)
ID's (comma-separated) of each contact you want to view (set to ALL for all ids) (Not required when using the filter parameter).
See below code example for all filters you can pass (ID Not required when using filter, when using ID it will limit results based on those IDs).
Whether or not to return ALL data, or an abbreviated portion (set to 1 for ALL data, and 0 for abbreviated).
Field to sort on (possible values: id, datetime, first_name, last_name).
Direction of sort (possible values: ASC or DESC).
Pagination: results are limited to 20 per page, so specify what page to view.
Example response:
ID of the contact. Example: 2
ID of the contact. Example: 2
ID of the list this contact is part of. Example: 1
Subscription form ID used when subscribing. Example: 0
Date subscribed. Example: 2011-03-09 09:59:12
Date unsubscribed. Example: 2011-03-08 14:24:44
Status for this list. Example: 1
Unsubscribe reason.
Campaign sent when unsubscribed. Example: 10
Message sent when unsubscribed. Example: 1
First name of contact. Example: Name
Last name of contact. Example: One
Date subscribed. Example: 2011-03-02 14:47:01
Email address of contact. Example:
Number of times this contact has hard-bounced. Example: 0
Number of times this contact has soft-bounced. Example: 0
Date of most recent bounce for this contact.
IP address of the contact. Example:
Unique hash for the contact. Example: dfdsfdsfefr345345wfdrs3r
Last time social data was fetched for this contact.
Full name of this contact. Example: Name One
String of lists for this contact. Example: 1
Number of total bounces for this contact. Example: 0
Whether or not the response was successful. Examples: 1 = yes, 0 = no
A custom message that appears explaining what happened. Example: Something is returned
The result output used. Example: serialize
PHP Example
This is an example of using the contact_list call with PHP.
You can replicate the same idea in virtually any other programming language.
The example shown is using serialize as the output format.
You can change that to XML or JSON if you would like.
// By default, this sample code is designed to get the result from your ActiveCampaign installation and print out the result
$url = '';
// optional custom field search: provide field ID, and search query (this searches all custom field values)
$fields = array(
1 => 'value', // in this case, 1 is the custom field ID, and 'value' is the value you are searching for
// the API Key can be found on the "Your Settings" page under the "API" tab.
// replace this with your API Key
$api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
$params = array(
'api_action' => 'contact_list',
// define the type of output you wish to get back
// possible values:
// - 'xml' : you have to write your own XML parser
// - 'json' : data is returned in JSON format and can be decoded with
// json_decode() function (included in PHP since 5.2.0)
// - 'serialize' : data is returned in a serialized format and can be decoded with
// a native unserialize() function
'api_output' => 'serialize',
// a comma-separated list of IDs of contacts you wish to fetch
'ids' => '1,2,3,4,5',
// filters (optional): supply filters that will narrow down the results
// if any filters are set, don't pass the 'ids' parameter above
// Email address: exact match
//'filters[email]' => '',
// List ID's associated with contact: exact match. Provide multiple values (performs an OR operation) like this: '4,7'
//'filters[listid]' => '4',
// First Name: exact match. Provide multiple values (performs an OR operation) like this: 'mike,john'
//'filters[first_name]' => 'mike',
// Last Name: exact match. Provide multiple values (performs an OR operation) like this: 'smith,jones'
//'filters[last_name]' => 'jones',
// Organization: exact match.
//'filters[organization]' => 'ABC Inc.',
// Contact ID: only include contacts with an ID greater than some integer
//'filters[id_greater]' => '44',
// Contact ID: only include contacts with an ID less than some integer
//'filters[id_less]' => '44',
// Segment ID to return only contacts that match a list segment
//'filters[segmentid]' => '13',
// Status of contact: exact match. Provide multiple values (performs an OR operation) like this: '0,1' (0: unconfirmed, 1: active, 2: unsubscribed)
//'filters[status]' => '1',
// Filter on contact tag using either the tag id or the tag name. Only one tag filter is allowed. Use a list segment for filtering based on multiple tags.
//'filters[tagid]' => '21',
// or
//'filters[tagname]' => 'my tag',
// Contacts ON (or AT) a specific date/time (set status param): pattern match - provide any portion of MySQL-formatted date/time string
//'filters[datetime]' => '2009-10-22',
// Contacts *since* a specified date in the past (set status param): exact match - provide MySQL-formatted date/time string
//'filters[since_datetime]' => '2009-10-22 00:00:00',
// Contacts *until* a specified date (set status param): exact match - provide MySQL-formatted date/time string
//'filters[until_datetime]' => '2009-10-23 00:00:00',
// Filter on custom field values (include the custom field ID, or personalization tag surrounded by percent signs)
//'filters[fields][%PERS_1%]' => 'value1 match',
// Filter on custom field values (include the custom field ID, or personalization tag surrounded by percent signs)
//'filters[fields][%PERS_2%]' => 'value2 match',
// whether or not to return ALL data, or an abbreviated portion (set to 0 for abbreviated)
'full' => 1,
// optional: change how results are sorted (default is below)
//'sort' => 'id', // possible values: id, datetime, first_name, last_name
//'sort_direction' => 'DESC', // ASC or DESC
//'page' => 2, // pagination - results are limited to 20 per page, so specify what page to view (default is 1)
// This section takes the input fields and converts them to the proper format
$query = "";
foreach( $params as $key => $value ) $query .= urlencode($key) . '=' . urlencode($value) . '&';
$query = rtrim($query, '& ');
// clean up the url
$url = rtrim($url, '/ ');
// This sample code uses the CURL library for php to establish a connection,
// submit your request, and show (print out) the response.
if ( !function_exists('curl_init') ) die('CURL not supported. (introduced in PHP 4.0.2)');
// If JSON is used, check if json_decode is present (PHP 5.2.0+)
if ( $params['api_output'] == 'json' && !function_exists('json_decode') ) {
die('JSON not supported. (introduced in PHP 5.2.0)');
// define a final API request - GET
$api = $url . '/admin/api.php?' . $query;
$request = curl_init($api); // initiate curl object
curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('API-TOKEN: ' . $api_key)); // Provide the API Token via the API-TOKEN header
curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); // set to 0 to eliminate header info from response
curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // Returns response data instead of TRUE(1)
//curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); // uncomment if you get no gateway response and are using HTTPS
curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
$response = (string)curl_exec($request); // execute curl fetch and store results in $response
// additional options may be required depending upon your server configuration
// you can find documentation on curl options at
curl_close($request); // close curl object
if ( !$response ) {
die('Nothing was returned. Do you have a connection to Email Marketing server?');
// This line takes the response and breaks it into an array using:
// JSON decoder
//$result = json_decode($response);
// unserializer
$result = unserialize($response);
// XML parser...
// ...
// Result info that is always returned
echo 'Result: ' . ( $result['result_code'] ? 'SUCCESS' : 'FAILED' ) . '<br />';
echo 'Message: ' . $result['result_message'] . '<br />';
// The entire result printed out
echo 'The entire result printed out:<br />';
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
// Raw response printed out
echo 'Raw response printed out:<br />';
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
// API URL that returned the result
echo 'API URL that returned the result:<br />';
echo $api;?>
// By default, this sample code is designed to get the result from your ActiveCampaign installation and print out the result $url = '';
// optional custom field search: provide field ID, and search query (this searches all custom field values) /* $fields = array( 1 => 'value', // in this case, 1 is the custom field ID, and 'value' is the value you are searching for ); */
// the API Key can be found on the "Your Settings" page under the "API" tab. // replace this with your API Key $api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
$params = array(
'api_action' => 'contact_list',
// define the type of output you wish to get back // possible values: // - 'xml' : you have to write your own XML parser // - 'json' : data is returned in JSON format and can be decoded with // json_decode() function (included in PHP since 5.2.0) // - 'serialize' : data is returned in a serialized format and can be decoded with // a native unserialize() function 'api_output' => 'serialize',
// a comma-separated list of IDs of contacts you wish to fetch 'ids' => '1,2,3,4,5',
// filters (optional): supply filters that will narrow down the results // if any filters are set, don't pass the 'ids' parameter above
// Email address: exact match //'filters[email]' => '',
// List ID's associated with contact: exact match. Provide multiple values (performs an OR operation) like this: '4,7' //'filters[listid]' => '4',
// First Name: exact match. Provide multiple values (performs an OR operation) like this: 'mike,john' //'filters[first_name]' => 'mike',
// Last Name: exact match. Provide multiple values (performs an OR operation) like this: 'smith,jones' //'filters[last_name]' => 'jones',
// Contact ID: only include contacts with an ID greater than some integer //'filters[id_greater]' => '44',
// Contact ID: only include contacts with an ID less than some integer //'filters[id_less]' => '44',
// Segment ID to return only contacts that match a list segment //'filters[segmentid]' => '13',
// Status of contact: exact match. Provide multiple values (performs an OR operation) like this: '0,1' (0: unconfirmed, 1: active, 2: unsubscribed) //'filters[status]' => '1',
// Filter on contact tag using either the tag id or the tag name. Only one tag filter is allowed. Use a list segment for filtering based on multiple tags. //'filters[tagid]' => '21', // or //'filters[tagname]' => 'my tag',
// Contacts ON (or AT) a specific date/time (set status param): pattern match - provide any portion of MySQL-formatted date/time string //'filters[datetime]' => '2009-10-22',
// Contacts *since* a specified date in the past (set status param): exact match - provide MySQL-formatted date/time string //'filters[since_datetime]' => '2009-10-22 00:00:00',
// Contacts *until* a specified date (set status param): exact match - provide MySQL-formatted date/time string //'filters[until_datetime]' => '2009-10-23 00:00:00',
// Filter on custom field values (include the custom field ID, or personalization tag surrounded by percent signs) //'filters[fields][%PERS_1%]' => 'value1 match',
// Filter on custom field values (include the custom field ID, or personalization tag surrounded by percent signs) //'filters[fields][%PERS_2%]' => 'value2 match',
// whether or not to return ALL data, or an abbreviated portion (set to 0 for abbreviated) 'full' => 1,
// optional: change how results are sorted (default is below) //'sort' => 'id', // possible values: id, datetime, first_name, last_name //'sort_direction' => 'DESC', // ASC or DESC //'page' => 2, // pagination - results are limited to 20 per page, so specify what page to view (default is 1)
// This section takes the input fields and converts them to the proper format $query = ""; foreach( $params as $key => $value ) $query .= urlencode($key) . '=' . urlencode($value) . '&'; $query = rtrim($query, '& ');
// clean up the url $url = rtrim($url, '/ ');
// This sample code uses the CURL library for php to establish a connection, // submit your request, and show (print out) the response. if ( !function_exists('curl_init') ) die('CURL not supported. (introduced in PHP 4.0.2)');
// If JSON is used, check if json_decode is present (PHP 5.2.0+) if ( $params['api_output'] == 'json'&& !function_exists('json_decode') ) { die('JSON not supported. (introduced in PHP 5.2.0)'); }
// define a final API request - GET $api = $url . '/admin/api.php?' . $query;
$request = curl_init($api); // initiate curl object curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('API-TOKEN: ' . $api_key)); // Provide the API Token via the API-TOKEN header curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); // set to 0 to eliminate header info from response curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // Returns response data instead of TRUE(1) //curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); // uncomment if you get no gateway response and are using HTTPS curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
$response = (string)curl_exec($request); // execute curl fetch and store results in $response
// additional options may be required depending upon your server configuration // you can find documentation on curl options at curl_close($request); // close curl object
if ( !$response ) { die('Nothing was returned. Do you have a connection to Email Marketing server?'); }
// This line takes the response and breaks it into an array using: // JSON decoder //$result = json_decode($response); // unserializer $result = unserialize($response); // XML parser... // ...
// Result info that is always returned echo'Result: ' . ( $result['result_code'] ? 'SUCCESS' : 'FAILED' ) . '<br />'; echo'Message: ' . $result['result_message'] . '<br />';
// The entire result printed out echo'The entire result printed out:<br />'; echo'<pre>'; print_r($result); echo'</pre>';
// Raw response printed out echo'Raw response printed out:<br />'; echo'<pre>'; print_r($response); echo'</pre>';
// API URL that returned the result echo'API URL that returned the result:<br />'; echo $api;?>