ActiveCampaign Bot for Slack 

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Créé par ActiveCampaign Outbound

Stay within Slack

The ActiveCampaign Bot lives in Slack, so you never have to leave your favorite digital HQ. Manage your customer experience records where you’re already communicating with your team.

Get notified of what’s important

Receive real-time Slack notifications when important customer activities happen in ActiveCampaign. Pick and choose what, where, and how you wish to be notified.

Searching made simple

Searching has never been easier than with the ActiveCampaign Bot. Use Slack global shortcuts to search or create ActiveCampaign records.

Vous souhai­tez découvrir ActiveCampaign ?

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Essai gratuit de 14 jours avec inscrip­tion par e‑mail
Rejoignez plus de 180 000 clients. Aucune carte de crédit nécessaire. Configuration instantanée.