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App Partenaire Inbound

Run flows in any stage of the form

  • Execute custom server-side logic flows in any stage of the form: between form steps, before submission or after submission. Validate data, integrate any service with an API, and trigger different actions and automations based on form inputs.

  • SMS & Email verification with OTP

  • Reinforce the security of your registration forms by easily implementing one-time passwords via email and SMS. Send OTPs by email or SMS by simply adding the ‘Generate one-time password’ native action and an email or SMS sender to a flow.

  • Social login and passwordless forms

  • Sign your users in with a frictionless form with your favorite social providers such as Google or Facebook. Start authenticating users with just one click, using their existing accounts or by sending temporary codes and magic links.

  • Vous souhai­tez découvrir ActiveCampaign ?

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    Essai gratuit de 14 jours avec inscrip­tion par e‑mail
    Rejoignez plus de 180 000 clients. Aucune carte de crédit nécessaire. Configuration instantanée.