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App Connecteur Bi-directional

Duda is a website builder platform for web professionals and digital marketing agencies. Connect Duda with ActiveCampaign to collect site tracking information for use in your marketing efforts. Collect site tracking data and instantly segment contacts based on their behavior and interests. Add/update contacts from form submissions, booked appointments, or purchases. See website activity in the ActiveCampaign contact or deal profile for contextualized conversations. Send contacts down specific automations based on their behaviors, preferences, or website activity.

Vous souhai­tez découvrir ActiveCampaign ?

Profitez de 14 jours d'essai gratuit.

Essai gratuit de 14 jours avec inscrip­tion par e‑mail
Rejoignez plus de 180 000 clients. Aucune carte de crédit nécessaire. Configuration instantanée.