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App Connecteur Bi-directional

MessageBird centralizes your customer communication with zero friction. Talk to your audiences on multiple channels, like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Slack. With this integration, you can send an SMS message on MessageBird each time a new contact is updated in ActiveCampaign.

  • Send WhatsApp messages through ActiveCampaign automations by creating a webhook inside MessageBird. WhatsApp is used by over 2 billion people worldwide, and offers businesses a great way to connect 1:1 with their customers, share product information, and more.
  • Customers that are pleased with a customer service experience will tell others. Keep your company top-of-mind with tailored, personalized support that turns a loyal customer into a brand advocate.
  • Market and sell using MessageBird and ActiveCampaign. Connect the tools you love with ActiveCampaign and use them for far more than just customer service and support.

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