– Direct Mail Automations 

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ActiveCampaign & Integration Overview: Automatically send personalised postcards right from ActiveCampaign

Integrate with ActiveCampaign:

Reach your audience

  • Inboxes are filling up, and it's becoming increasingly more challenging to capture the online attention. Break through the noise and earn your audience's attention with real postcards.
  • ROI up to 718%

  • Direct Mail Automation offers countless opportunities to sell, surprise, engage, and reconnect. While being cheaper than a Google click, our clients are seeing ROIs of up to 718%.
  • Direct Mail. But easier

  • Conveniently and quickly send Direct Mail campaigns, without leaving your desk. Launch your campaign in three steps, without the hassle of dealing with multiple parties.
  • Who Is This Integration Built For:

  • Marketers, HR Professionals, Sales professionals, agencies, SaaS companies, Automative, Opticians, Installation companies
  • Key Features of the Platform:

  • Send direct mail from your ActiveCampaign automations.
  • Create reusable designs with personalisation options for text and images.
  • Measureable results using QR codes.
  • Automations running in the background, without the need of your interference.
  • A5, A6 and square cards or A4 letters printed on FSC-certified paper.
  • GDPR compliant
  • Vous souhai­tez découvrir ActiveCampaign ?

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    Essai gratuit de 14 jours avec inscrip­tion par e‑mail
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