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App Connecteur Bi-directional

Steady is a subscription platform for blogs, journalism, podcasts and other content creators. Connect Steady with ActiveCampaign to create new contacts that subscribe to your content on Steady, or update existing contacts. Add subscribers to specific ActiveCampaign automations based on their membership status in Steady to create personalized journeys and experiences. Segment your subscribers in ActiveCampaign so your messaging is always relevant and targeted. Use membership data from Steady to automatically personalize your ActiveCampaign email communications and increase contact engagement.

Vous souhai­tez découvrir ActiveCampaign ?

Profitez de 14 jours d'essai gratuit.

Essai gratuit de 14 jours avec inscrip­tion par e‑mail
Rejoignez plus de 180 000 clients. Aucune carte de crédit nécessaire. Configuration instantanée.